The link below will direct you to our third-party processor, Zeffy, for payments online. Please note that Zeffy does not charge ECS or you for payment processing, however, Zeffy will request a donation while you are checking out. You can elect to not include a donation by clicking the drop down and selecting “other” and entering a zero-dollar amount. If you elect to include a donation, this additional donation will go to Zeffy, not Eagle Cap Shooters. 

May 17th, 2025 | Cloverleaf Hall in Enterprise | Doors Open at 4:30pm

All proceeds from this banquet stay local and go directly toward Eagle Cap Shooters projects! 

The banquet will include dinner, games, raffles, and auctions. Items available will include firearms, accessories, safes, hunting trips (including African Safaris), high-end barbeques, smokers, and firepits, outdoor gear, and more! 

Prime Rib Dinner with all the Trimmings plus a No-Host Bar will be provided by The Stubborn Mule! 

A free taxi service will be provided after the banquet for interested parties, provided by Loveland Funeral Service!

Pre-event raffle tickets available for a Browning X-Bolt Mountain Pro Long Range rifle chambered in 300PRC. This rifle has an MSRP of $2,700. Tickets are $20 per ticket or 3 tickets for $50. Only 170 tickets will be sold, so act fast! 

  • Gold Sponsor Package | $1,200
    • $200 in General Raffle tickets
    • Springfield SA-35 Handgun with limited-edition knife
    • Entry into the Sponsors-only Raffle
  • Silver Sponsor Package | $800
    • $150 in General Raffle tickets
    • S&W M&P Shield EZ 9mm Handgun
    • Entry into the Sponsors-only Raffle
  • Bronze Sponsor Package | $400
    • $100 in General Raffle tickets
    • Custom Hunting Knife from JR & Lisa Collier
    • Entry into the Sponsors-only Raffle
  • ECS Wall of Honor Plaque | $300
    • Custom plaque to be hung at the ECS Education Building for Life or Founding Members
    • Entry into the Sponsors-only Raffle

SPECIAL: Life memberships will be offered at a 10% discount at the banquet! 

  • Sponsor Table | $480
    • Dinner tickets and seating for 8 people
    • Entry into the Sponsors-only Raffle
  • Individual Dinner Ticket | $65
  • Couple’s Dinner Ticket | $120

For any questions, reach out to Dan Piper at [email protected]

Thank you for supporting Eagle Cap Shooters!